Thursday, August 12, 2010

LA of my sec i term 1 till now.

It has been nearly three terms and i have reflected greatly on the things i have learned so far.
Time goes by really quickly, how i wished i could turn it back. I have improved on my comprehension skills, scoring a relatively high mark for it. I have been desperately trying to improve on my summary, but my efforts were in vain, as i have deproved in it. i feel that i can improve in it if i work even harder next term.

I also feel that poetry is very interesting with all its many traits. The poetry writers all receive my respect as i look though their masterpieces, and identify what message they are trying to tell us about, especially those that can have two or more meanings.

I think that the 'pass the ball' technique is effective if everyone is using it correctly and seriously,
not treating it as an opportunity to sabotage another classmate.

I feel that the class lectures are interesting and through this, i have developed a very strong friendship with nicholas who also appreciates literature.


  1. So Peiyu has similar opinions as me. I also felt that the time goes quickly and that poetry is very interesting. I think that Mr Lundberg's "Pass The Ball Technique" is really very effective.

    Also, I am also a good friend of Nicholas due to our similar interest in Literature.

  2. I do not feel that poetry is the least interesting. However, I would like to get myself interested in poetry as it seems to me that poetry would bring many friends together. "Pass the ball technique" is very effective and it allowed more people to participate in class activities.
