Thursday, July 29, 2010


It shows that in this world, everything is peaceful, no troubles, no worry's, just like a dream world, this shows that the writer is imagining this, but then he transform it into a another style of poetry:


In Snapshotland everyone is happy all the time.

It is the Promised Land where people sit with flasks of tea

on smooth sand by a flat sea and smile and smile and smile.

The sun shines all day long and every day in Kodachrome

or sepia on sand boys and sandgirls who never

stop smiling from the time they first appear, with buckets,

in crisp, gingham pinafores and bonnets on the sea-shore.

Lovers stay in love forever; married couples never

grow tired of each other; everything is always just right.

The dolphins know exactly when to leap into the air

and stay there for the permanent delight of passengers

aboard the pleasure-boat which never passes out of sight.

Nobody in Snapshotland grows old unless they want to,

judging by the way they go on smiling so, in deck-chairs,

on the beach, or in old-fashioned gardens with lavender

and grandchildren here and there - and no one dies, ever.

Even if they don't appear later, the people are still

always there, smiling through the lavender and dolphins

and the buckets full of pebbles on the same sea-shore.


Sylvia Kantaris

This is beautifully done, with class and skill and a touch of unseen poetry.

I like how the way the writer presents her idea---in a very well elaborated way.

The last stanza tells us that this poem is not based on real facts.

"Even if they don't appear later, the people are still

always there, smiling through the lavender and dolphins

and the buckets full of pebbles on the same sea-shore."

It also talks of immortality, as shown in the second last stanza:-

Nobody in Snapshotland grows old unless they want to,

judging by the way they go on smiling so, in deck-chairs,

on the beach, or in old-fashioned gardens with lavender

and grandchildren here and there - and no one dies, ever.

This is a children poem, yet done so well that even an adult would gape and be mystified by it.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis of the poem "Snapshotland". I think that "Snapshotland" is a well-written poem and the writer is trying to express all his feelings about his childhood. Well done, Peiyu! I totally agree with your analysis of the poem! I look forward to more of your analysis of poems.
