Sunday, February 28, 2010

The LA interview on my Brother

Pei Yu to Zixuan:What do you think of crime?

Zixuan to Peiyu :Crime is wrong, we should not rely on crime for a living.

PeiYu to Zixuan:Your opinions about crime and punishment or the necessity to communicate in a relationship.

Zixuan to Peiyu :Crime is wrong but a punishment too severe is not necessary.i think that a psychological way of making them turn over a new leaf is much better .

Peiyu to Zixuan:ok

Zixuan to Peiyu:A relationship can also get strained if there is too little communication.

Peiyu to Zixuan:ok

Both:thank you.

The end

1 comment:

  1. Can see that you rushed through this, but understandable, since you faced so many problems during home-learning. Still, can be improved by adding a real video or something of that sort to make it more convincing. Just suggesting! :D
