Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fast rode the knight

Fast rode the knight
With spurs, hot and reeking,
Ever waving an eager sword,
"To save my lady!"
Fast rode the knIght,
And leaped from saddle to war.
Men of steel flickered and gleamed
Like riot of silver lights,
And the gold of the knight's good banner
Still waved on a castle wall.
. . . . .
A horse,
Blowing, staggering, bloody thing,
Forgotten at foot of castle wall.
A horse
Dead at foot of castle wall.

Crane starts the poem describing the way that the knight rides his horse. The man travels with eagerness, spurring the animal with fervor, blindly chasing his goal. Like a picture of a hero, he waves an impatient sword and exclaims the justification: "To save my lady!"

Even when we think we are doing a good deed, obsession may blur our vision, making us not see what ways we are choosing. The noblest causes can bring brutal sacrifices. But, the same occurs when the causes are not that noble. People will sacrifice everything just to reach the top, and when they get there, most of them realize that it was not worth it. By highlighting the good intention of the knight, Crane gives us a lesson in life.

Arriving at the battle, the protagonist of the poem "leaps from saddle to war" and attacks the enemies, leaving his horse alone. Crane describes the vision of the battle like a riot of silver lights. After defeating the enemy, the good golden banner of the hero waves at the castle wall and near the place, lays the horse bleeding and blowing. The last stanza of the poem is separated by dots, giving a dramatic pause.

"A horse,

Blowing, staggering, bloody thing,

Forgotten at the foot at the castle wall.

A horse

Dead at the foot of the castle wall."

The poem finishes with the image of the dead blood covered horse contrasting the waving banner of the hero. By putting these two figures near each other, the author leads us to ponder if the ends justify the means. Was the death of the horse worth it to save the lady? The hero of the poem doesn't seem to care for his horse, and in my opinion, he was more interested in the glory of victory than in saving the lady. The poem ends and leaves us thinking about the death of the animal. Was it killed by the enemies of the knight or was it by the spurring of the hero?

This is a poem that i like very much, it reflects human selfishness and is warning us not to take living things for granted."Every living thing has the right to live", We should never treat other living things as inferiors.

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